FreshStart packaging is a long-term battery storage solution designed to meet shipping regulations for air, sea, rail and truck.

FreshStart packaging solution was designed for a demanding military shipping requirement to ship a dry charged lead acid battery with the exact amount of electrolyte needed to activate the battery, all contained in the same outer packaging. Added on top of that was the need for the packaging to be cost-effective enough for domestic shipping, but then rugged enough for demanding air freight shipping into remote or forward action locations. Remy Battery took on this challenge and took it one step further to ensure ease of safe activation by a single war fighter in the field. FreshStart – a packaging solution that is safe, efficient and cost-effective.
You can only make hay when the sun shines if the equipment starts. FreshStart dry charged batteries packaged with activation electrolyte is there at a moment’s notice to help start equipment that is down. Unlike activated lead acid batteries, dry charged batteries that are stored in a cool dry environment and kept sealed have a shelf life that can exceed 10 years or more. This means that there are no more aged, spoiled lead acid batteries sitting on your shelf waiting for a no start situation. FreshStart – packaged dry charged batteries that are ready for you when the crops are ready to harvest.


Because freight is always on the move and construction job sites demand equipment be up and running, FreshStart dry charged batteries packaged with activation electrolyte is there at a moment’s notice to help start equipment that is down. Unlike activated lead acid batteries, dry charged batteries that are stored in a cool dry environment and kept sealed have a shelf life that can exceed 10 years or more. This means that there are no more aged, spoiled lead acid batteries sitting on your shelf waiting for a no start situation. FreshStart – packaged dry charged batteries that are ready to be used when you need them.
If it’s a weekend on the water with the family or pushing a barge down the river, there is no roadside assistance on the water. FreshStart dry charged batteries packaged with activation electrolyte is there at a moment’s notice to help start equipment that is down. Unlike activated lead acid batteries, dry charged batteries that are stored in a cool dry environment and kept sealed have a shelf life that can exceed 10 years or more. This means that there are no more aged, spoiled lead acid batteries sitting on your shelf waiting for a no start situation. FreshStart – packaged dry charged batteries that are ready to be used when you are ready to get on the water.

Critical Power

Power outages can happen at anytime of the day or night, and remote stand-by generators that do not start could take hours to repair where uptime is needed within minutes. FreshStart dry charged batteries packaged with activation electrolyte is there at a moment’s notice to help start equipment that is down. Unlike activated lead acid batteries, dry charged batteries that are stored in a cool dry environment and kept sealed have a shelf life that can exceed 10 years or more. This can mean the difference between uptime in minutes or hours. FreshStart – packaged dry charged batteries that are ready when needed to help keep the power on.